Skincare for Beginners

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Skincare can be scary. Different things can cause you to breakout. Some things can make you glow. The key is to do all the research you can,before just buying it. It is best to start simple.

Know The Products.
Read the labels and do your research. If you were to try a product you knew little-to-nothing about,there's a good chance you'll wake the next morning with breakouts or your skin could start peeling.(scary,huh?) So,definitely,make sure you understand the product,and what you're looking for. Also,do not be tempted by the fancy products that everyone uses. Find one that fits you're needs. And that brings me to my next pointer.

Know Your Skin.
Knowing your skin will help to find the products. If your skin is oily,maybe try things that specialize normalizing skin.  And for dry skin try moisturizers. But,make sure you understand your skin,and find the right washes or scrubs and things of that sort.

Start a Routine.
Cleansing your face should a regular thing. A simple wash in the morning and deep cleansing at night will do the trick(unless directed to do something else by your dermatologist).
You should also make sure to moisturize. SPF is also a must! Especially if you live in a relatively hot place. The sun can be very damaging to your skin.

Lastly,if you have eczema or a severe skin problem,you might want to try Cetaphil moisturizers or A + D(yes,a diaper rash treatment,it works).
Once you get into your routine,you can start looking into more adventurous skincare and make up. Also,check out Michelle Phan's version for a routine!

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